Lip lines (smokers lines)

Lip lines (smokers lines)

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Lip lines formed by the orbicularis oris muscle can be eliminated somewhat with Botulinum toxin injections. Botulinum toxin can be injected into the area above the upper lip to soften the muscle that makes the pucker expression responsible for the lip lines.

Treatment Duration

Approximately 5 minutes


  • How long does Botulinum Toxin last?

    Every individual's facial anatomy is different and can last longer for some, however results for most typically last approximately 3-4 months. After treatment full results can be visible from days 12-14. After this, all patients are invited back into the clinic for a review to see how the treatment has worked and taken effect. If there are stubborn wrinkles present, an additional dose of Botulinum Toxin can be given which is known as a ‘top up’ and this is included in the price.  

  • What is Botulinum Toxin A?

    Botulinum Toxin A is a highly effective neurotoxin that inhibits signal conduction to the neuromuscular endplate. Botulinum Toxin acts directly on the neuromuscular endplate and other cholinergic synapses. Where it inhibits release of the neuro-transmitter acetylcholine, leading to a muscular paralysis of the affected fibre and loss of target organ function. The toxin works by blocking the signal that tells the muscle to contract/move.

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